Agents of Nonprofit
A weekly podcast interviewing everyday superheroes and the services and technologies they provide to nonprofits. The goal is to inform nonprofit organizations about ideas, services, and products that can help.
Agents of Nonprofit
Crafting Nonprofit Proposals With Superhero Precision with Renee Mancino
Alexander Lapa
Season 1
Episode 95
Join me in a captivating conversation with the superhero of interactive media, Renee Mancino, as they unravel the mysteries of Request for Proposal (RFP) responses in the nonprofit realm. From superhero origins to battling the nuances of RFI, RFQ, and RFP, this episode is your guide to navigating the nonprofit proposal universe.
Topics We Cover:
- Renee Mancino's journey from a family business to the world of interactive media.
- The superhero approach to RFPs: A transparent and equal playing field for all vendors.
- Tips for standing out: Tailoring responses, understanding project objectives, and embracing creativity.
- Crafting compelling narratives and personalized videos
- Transparent RFP processes: Sharing budgets and streamlining selection with anticipation and preparation
- Future trends in RFP proposals
To Learn More and Connect with Renee: